Strategic games#

Gambit has full support for constructing and manipulating arbitrary N-player strategic (also known as normal form) games.

For extensive games, Gambit automatically computes the corresponding reduced strategic game. To view the reduced strategic game corresponding to an extensive game, select View ‣ Strategic game or click the strategic game table icon on the toolbar.

The strategic games computed by Gambit as the reduced strategic game of an extensive game cannot be modified directly. Instead, edit the original extensive game; Gambit automatically recomputes the strategic game after any changes to the extensive game.

Strategic games may also be input directly. To create a new strategic game, select File ‣ New ‣ Strategic game, or click the new strategic game icon on the toolbar.

Adding players and strategies#

To add an additional player to the game, use the menu item Edit ‣ Add player, or the corresponding toolbar icon . The newly created player has one strategy, by default labeled with the number 1.

Gambit supports arbitrary numbers of strategies for each player. To add a new strategy for a player, click the new strategy icon located to the left of that player’s name.

To edit the names of strategies, click on any cell in the strategic game table where the strategy label appears, and edit the label using the edit control.

Editing payoffs#

Payoffs for each player are specified individually for each contingency, or collection of strategies, in the game. To edit any payoff in the table, click that cell in the table and edit the payoff. Pressing the Escape key (Esc) cancels any editing of the payoff and restores the previous value.

To speed entry of many payoffs, as is typical when creating a new game, accepting a payoff entry via the Tab key automatically moves the edit control to the next cell to the right. If the payoff is the last payoff listed in a row of the table, the edit control wraps around to the first payoff in the next row; if the payoff is in the last row, the edit control wraps around to the first payoff in the first row. So a strategic game payoff table can be quickly entered by clicking on the first payoff in the upper-left cell of the table, inputting the payoff for the first (row) player, pressing the Tab key, inputting the payoff for the second (column) player, pressing the Tab key, and so forth, until all the payoff entries in the table have been filled.