Game representation formats#

This section documents the file formats recognized by Gambit. These file formats are text-based and designed to be readable and editable by hand by humans to the extent possible, although programmatic tools to generate and manipulate these files are almost certainly needed for all but the most trivial of games.

These formats can be viewed as being low-level. They define games explicitly in terms of their structure, and do not support any sort of parameterization, macros, and the like. Thus, they are adapted largely to the type of input required by the numerical methods for computing Nash equilibria, which only apply to a particular realization of a game’s parameters. Higher-level tools, whether the graphical interface or scripting applications, are indicated for doing parametric analysis and the like.

Conventions common to all file formats#

Several conventions are common to the interpretation of the file formats listed below.

Whitespace is not significant. In general, whitespace (carriage returns, horizontal and vertical tabs, and spaces) do not have an effect on the meaning of the file. The only exception is inside explicit double-quotes, where all characters are significant. The formatting shown here is the same as generated by the Gambit code and has been chosen for its readability; other formattings are possible (and legal).

Text labels. Most objects in an extensive game may be given textual labels. These are prominently used in the graphical interface, for example, and it is encouraged for users to assign nonempty text labels to objects if the game is going to be viewed in the graphical interface. In all cases, these labels are surrounded by the quotation character (“). The use of an explicit “ character within a text label can be accomplished by preceding the embedded “ characters with a backwards slash (). This is an alternate version of the first line of the example file, in which the title of the game contains the term Bayesian game in quotation marks:

EFG 2 R "An example of a \"Bayesian game\"" { "Player 1" "Player 2" }

Numerical data. Numerical data, namely, the payoffs at outcomes, and the action probabilities for chance nodes, may be expressed in integer, decimal, or rational formats. In all cases, numbers are understood by Gambit to be exact, and represented as such internally. For example, the numerical entries 0.1 and 1/10 represent the same quantity.

In versions 0.97 and prior, Gambit distinguished between floating point and rational data. In these versions, the quantity 0.1 was represented interally as a floating-point number. In this case, since 0.1 does not have an exact representation in binary floating point, the values 0.1 and 1/10 were not identical, and some methods for computing equilibria could give (slightly) different results for games using one versus the other. In particular, using rational-precision methods on games with the floating point numbers could give unexpected output, since the conversion of 0.1 first to floating-point then to rational would involve roundoff error. This is largely of technical concern, and the current Gambit implementation now behaves in such a way as to give the “expected” result when decimal numbers appear in the file format.