Chadwick Gambit: Software Tools for Game Theory


Game.set_chance_probs(infoset: Infoset | str, probs: Sequence)#

Set the action probabilities at chance information set infoset.

  • infoset (Infoset or str) – The chance information set at which to set the action probabilities. If a string is passed, the information set is determined by finding the chance information set with that label, if any.

  • probs (array-like) – The action probabilities to set

  • MismatchError – If infoset is not an information set in this game

  • UndefinedOperationError – If infoset is not an information set of the chance player

  • IndexError – If the length of probs is not the same as the number of actions at the information set

  • ValueError – If any of the elements of probs are not interpretable as numbers, or the values of probs are not non-negative numbers that sum to exactly one.